Our Program

“Learning through listening and performing”

Apply to YCM!

Please check back in March 2025 to apply for the 25-26 season.

Application requirements

A completed application form that includes…

  • Video recordings of two movements of contrasting style/period from current solo repertoire

  • List of previous chamber music experiences (2 years minimum required)

  • List of previous chamber music works performed and/or studied (Chamber music experience is defined as participation in a small ensemble without a conductor; for example, a string trio, quartet, quintet or piano trio, quartet, quintet)

Applicants may be advanced to a video or live (piano applicants only) audition round that includes preparing, recording, and submitting two short chamber music excerpts over a 12-day time period.

Your questions are welcome! Please contact Susan Bates, Director at director@youngchambermusicians.org

There’s a good reason why the study of chamber music is an essential part of college and conservatory music curricula and the focus of the major summer educational institutes around the world. It’s a perfect recipe for technical, musical, and personal growth. A young musician with chamber music experience is likely to be a confident and highly skilled player acquainted with the repertoire of differing style periods, eager to engage with fellow musicians, and interested in a variety of music and musical ideas. A student with advanced chamber music skills enters college or conservatory with a great advantage over others; and, in life after college, the player with chamber music experience is highly prepared to make their way in music or other careers.

Chamber music study:

  • advances instrumental skill and builds repertoire

  • offers an understanding of style and culture to develop musical taste

  • emphasizes “listening” as an educational tool and personal skill

  • sharpens analytical skill

  • encourages musical imagination

  • fosters interpersonal collaboration, and communication

  • demands professionalism: preparation, dedication, teamwork

The Young Chamber Musicians curriculum is designed specifically to promote these goals through weekly coaching, masterclasses, concert performances, and free attendance to professional concerts.

Weekly Coaching

When you join a YCM ensemble, you commit to honor your ensemble’s coaching and performance schedule and make consistent attendance a high priority.

Weekly coaching takes place either Tuesdays or Thursdays between 5-8 pm in two-hour blocks of 5-7 or 6-8pm on the campus of Mercy High School Burlingame at Kohl Mansion, a 1914 Tudor-style building designed for music. Two-hour coaching sessions include 90 minutes of coaching and 30 minutes of group rehearsal. The coaching season is 30 weeks (August–May) and is divided into two 15-week semesters with one holiday week in the fall plus a 3-week winter break and 5 additional holiday weeks in the spring semester. Read “Building a Chamber Music Team - Attendance is the Key”.


Every ensemble performs in one public masterclass or outreach event each semester. Masterclass artists are renowned Bay Area chamber music performers and seasonal national and international ensembles from the Music at Kohl Mansion presenting series.

Concert Performances

Every ensemble performs two movements from chamber works of contrasting styles in a formal public concert at the end of each semester. In addition, extra performance opportunities are created as outreach to the community.

Additional Benefits

  • “Video, materials, and training in group rehearsal technique and topics related to scorereading and history.

  • Music in College” online seminars unite YCM alumni with current students and parents to discuss and answer questions about topics such as “How to apply to music school” and “How to study music in college while carrying another major”.

  • Seminars for pianists and Reading sessions for large string ensemble

Mendelssohn: Piano Trio in D Minor played by the Peiskos Piano Trio

Concert Attendance

YCM’s motto “Learning through Listening and Performing,” highlights an important component of our curriculum - the benefits of learning to listen. Since 2011, YCM students have experienced the power and energy of outstanding chamber performances live in the Great Hall at Kohl Mansion! In collaboration with Music at Kohl Mansion, YCM students receive free tickets and reserved seats to monthly 7:00 p.m. Sunday professional chamber music performances. Attendance at one Music at Kohl professional performance each semester is required. Learn More about the benefits of learning to listen.